Friday, October 26, 2007

Since, i've been pretty much studying for the test in few weeks time, decided to "reward" myself with the purchase of lifehouse latest album, " who we are" yesterday. I've pretty much become a fan of theirs when i first heard their song "hanging by a moment" from there on, started finding more of their songs and they are all amazing, haiz but sadly couldn't find any of their older album. For now, i've only got 2 of their album, one is a self-titled album "lifehouse" and the latest "who we are".

Cheers to Man City, for such a wonderful performance so far. Hail Elano! And we beat the ass of Manchester United too for the first derby game of the season =)

Ah, a wonderful performance by Lifehouse, singing a song from their earlier days, "Somewhere In Between"

List of DVDs to buy Currently
1. Heroes Season 1
2. Supernatural Season 2
3. Kiddy Grade Box Set
4. Saikano Box Set
5. Venus Versus Virus Vol 1

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Recent bought DVDs. They're all geneon's release, why? Cause geneon is stopping their production of DVDs, sigh. Petite Cossette is bought in singapore, fark the MDA, their stupid sticker with the M18 "destroy" the packaging. The rest are imported from the US. Yet to watch any of them yet, thank to the mugging session i'm doing to pull up my pathetic GPA, so for the MST must really do well for it xD. Just finished Mahoromatic both season, conclusion, nice anime, lousy ending ( Prefer the Manga ending ). And i've just ordered funimation release of Kiddy Grade and also Saikano, think it's wiz release or something.

1. The Portrait Of Little Cossette ( Petite Cossette )

2. Doki Doki School Hour ( Sensei no Ojikan )

3. I My Me! Strawberry Egg