Thursday, November 01, 2007

Weet! My Saikano and Kiddy Grade DVD has arrived yesterday! >.< Well won't be watching them so soon anyway, most probably will watch it after my exams. NAH! I started watching Saikano immediately lol. The series is so so nice and so so touching. Aww. It brought me to tears at many parts of the series T.T Most likely will start watching some of the Geneon DVDs i bought, but just one dvd per day xD That, at least allow me to even out my time to study and my time for my hobby xD And that just remind me, i have yet to buy new strings for my guitar! Argh...

Saikano ( Saishū Heiki Kanojo; 最終 兵器 彼女; She, the Ultimate Weapon; My Girlfriend, the Ultimate Weapon; The Last Love Song On This Little Planet ) eh, nope, the chinese letter is Japanese written in kanji

Kiddy Grade ( キディ・グレイド )