Friday, November 28, 2008

Finally got my drivers' license on my second try on Wednesday! But, won't be able to drive yet or at all, because, my family has got no car lol.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Target for 2008 -

1. Complete my project
2. Get my drivers license!
3. Pass my MST and exams!
4. when i think of more...

I like this song xD It's sang by LENA PARK



教えて 海渡る風



教えて 海渡る風

教えて 海渡る風


Thursday, May 22, 2008

May she rest in peace.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Friday, May 09, 2008

Will be writing my own script from scratch, because I'm too lazy to read up about wordpress and how it works. So far, I've done creating a vm ware image for windows server 2003, set up mysql and apache, finish buliding the database for mysql. This suck, have to read a thick book call mysql and php for dummies, no time to study japanese again. But nah, there's always time to do so still, now it's time to concentrate on my project and finish it in time for the evaluation.

Recently, I've been listening to Natsukawa Rimi's music, I've even bought two of her album xD 風の道とたいよ

Friday, May 02, 2008


I hate doing projects, why? Cause it's a waste of time to do so. My project will be creating a web template for a online store. Would be easy for some, but not for me. The language I'm familiar with is xhtml and asp. Now, i'm needed to write in php. Wtf? Guess i'll just use wordpress as the platform bah. T.T


Ah, but no worries *plug in earphone and listen to Hirai Ken's album*

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Being busy playing around with my web server recently that i did not do my own Japanese studies, will resume soon.

My attachment is boring. Everyday, I sit in front of the computer doing nothing. Other than that, I'll be answering calls and some fuck up customer will either complain or ask stupid questions. Like, hello, can you teach me hanyupinying? WTF? Hello, please go back to primary school. You buy a Chinese sortware not knowing hanyupinying, might as well save that money for your monthly electric bills (since it'll be increasing, AGAIN). Beside answering calls, I have to do deliveries -.- Carrying bulky item travelling on a MRT during peak hours, hmm, wondering how many angry stares are there. Hmm, let me see what else, oh! Packing stock and sealing them up =/ Admin work like typing manual book. o.o eh? My Chinese is so so so so so poor, absolutely horrible, or incorrigible or whatever, would you ask someone like me to do so o.o My boss speaks superciliously at times, though i believe he didn't meant to (guess that's how he speaks).

Well, at least the plus point is that i do learn some hardware stuff, useful programmes .etc and abit about the Chinese market and oh, some intresting mobile phones from China, one of them has a bulit in TV. I've tried it and it really works lol (was watching CNA during lunch time xD), other than that, it's a waste of time to go to work everyday.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bought a japanese - english dictionary at $72.40 . What made me bought it ? I have absolutely no ideal, and now i am BROKE! 今私は大変貧乏だった!Okay, I'm still not sure of the grammar. 4 more weeks to complete my ITP, after that, project. Sianz

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Exams in a week, and i am still slacking!

1st paper - Mircocontroller
2nd paper - Computer networking
3rd paper - Maths
4th paper - Network infrastructure


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Exams coming! 1 more week to it and tomorrow is my lab test for mircocontroller dam! Need to study, i haven't got the time to watch/read some of the recently bought DVDs and manga bah! D Gray Man is airing on art central and guess what? It's the same week telecast as Japan(3 days after it air in Japan)! World first from what I've heard (if only it's some other series instead of d gray man, like shakugan no shana second, 2nd season of gunslinger girl .etc).